Thursday, 13 December 2007


1. What do you actually like about Christmas?

The fact that grown adults play make-believe (i.e. pretend they seriously believe in baby Jesus, etc..,). It makes for an interesting study in anthropology.That and the cut-price alcohol deals.

2. What do you utterly despise about Christmas?

The all pervasive, nefarious intrusions upon my earlobes of Noddy Holder and the like imploring me to part with my cash to the strains of cheesy crap.

3. What are your favourite and worst Christmas songs?

Favourite: Leonard Cohen - The Future (Or, if you want something topical, 'Don't You Want Me', by The Human League).Worst: Cliff Richard - Mistletoe and [some cheap, undrinkable crap (] Wine [) grown on my Italian estate].

4. What is the most dreadful gift you've been given at Christmas?

The words 'Gift-Horse' and 'Mouth' spring to mind here, especially when it's quite clear that the person in question has put some thought into the matter. Nevertheless, it is frustrating to receive something selected by the giver to reflect your interests when they have no knowledge of them, leaving you with something you can neither use, or admire.

5. What will you be doing at, say, 6pm on Christmas day?

Supping a measure of VSOP Cognac topped up with 10-year-old Tawny Port whilst pondering the best Port / Cognac mix and the year to come.

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