Monday, 20 October 2008

Interview with Higher Love

First of all, tell us about how the band got together and when you formed?

Band was formed in Warsaw and then re-established in 2005 in London.
There are 3 people in the band MarkD.-lead singer and drummer,Ichi on guitar and Ajit on bass.

When you got together, was there an initial aim or direction interms of style and influences?

At the early stage we were heavily inspired by the post-rock 80's music scene and the bands like Joy Division,Depeche Mode,The Cure but also Queen and The Doors.

Now I think we have our own sound and we define the music we play as a cold rock goth punk-'not too dirty to name it just punk and not...too symphonic to name it just gothic'.

The current music scene is very stale, what are your thoughts on it and what do you think you can bring to it?

Yes, we agree there too many bands with 's-they play retro rock-we don't want to be like them.

I think the best way is when you go your own way-if you have any inspirations,mix them,always you can get something new from that;)

We want to be different and I think better is to create your own trend than to follow the others.

Finally, tell us what your future plans are, both in the immediate future and the future as a whole for the band?

Currently we are recording material for new EP called
'Me and The Real World'.
In 2009 we want to move outside Londontown and play small UK and European tour and sign contract with the label.

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