Thursday, 10 April 2008

Seb 61's Animal Of The Year

Seb '61's animal of the year: The African Quince Owl

This rare breed of Owl is secreted by trees near junction 21a of the M25 (St Albans, M1).Nearly extinct, this beautiful creature has a wingspan of 2.3 Squirrels and can jump anywhere between 0 and 3 centimetres.Its long, downy feathers are completely mythical and have been used by doctors doing surgery on 48 year old men for 10,000 years (approximately).Be warned- do not approach this Fabergé Egg of a beast as it is prone to violent attacks on infants, children and pre-teens.
BONUS FACT: The African Quince Owl is also responsible for Adam Sandler, but has not yet been fully punished for it.

Good day

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